Monday, May 9, 2011


     For our first Easter as a married couple, we went down to San Antonio to spend it with Jackson's family.  Easter is much more fun with kids around so we flocked to the nieces and nephews.  We attended a lovely Easter church service then had a big feast at my sister-in-law's house.  There was a ton of delicious food and lots of family and friends.  After dinner, we had an Easter egg hunt for the kids and enjoyed the beautiful evening.  We both really enjoyed it but as another Holiday came and went it got me thinking about traditions.  It's been hard to even have a chance to establish our own traditions since this first year we spend all of the holidays with family.  It makes me sad that we've just gone with the flow and participated in our families' traditions rather than creating our own.  I'm determined that we make more of an effort in working in our own traditions even if we do spend the holidays with our families.  Traditions are so important and make each Holiday feel like the Holiday it is.  They are a source of happiness, joy, and excitement for me and as newlyweds it's time we figure out some of our own! Here's to future Holidays!
In the mean time though, enjoy the pictures from our Easter Sunday.
On the hunt! 

My mother-in-law got a hold of one of the kids' masks.  I love how it matches her shirt perfectly!

My nephew Boston

My 1 year old niece Anabelle.  She just loved sharing those Easter eggs! 

My nieces insisted on playing before we went back to Austin and before they had to go to bed.  So we dressed up dolls and stuffed animals and it was great fun! 

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