Monday, June 13, 2011

My Husband is a Stud

     My phone is 2 1/2 years old.  It's a basic old school flip phone that calls and texts, nothing else.  Recently it began messing up and I knew it was on it's way out.  About 2 weeks ago it finally bit the dust.  The display screen went out and sometimes I could get it to turn on, other times I couldn't.  I went without a phone for about 2 weeks and during this time I got a new battery to see if it was a simple fix (it wasn't) and then tried to figure out how to proceed.  I was on my parents' family plan ($5 a month!) but my contract had been up for 6 months.  If I got a new phone through T-Mobile it would renew my contract and I would be sharing minutes with my family for the next 2 years.  Not exactly practical being the head of household with no land line.  However, we weren't sure we were prepared to budget in adding me to Jackson's plan either, it would be quite a bit more each month, plus we'd have to buy a phone.  Not to mention Jackson had told me that they wouldn't let him add a line anyway because of his credit/late payments or something.  That didn't make any sense to me because our credit is perfectly fine and a few late payments shouldn't make that big of a difference.   So, renew on a family plan or get my own line through Sprint unless we could strike some sort of deal to get on Jackson's plan.
     Enough background story.  So, Friday my phone randomly started working again for a solid 2 hours.  Long enough for a T-Mobile customer service guy to call just to check in on our satisfaction which gave me the opportunity to start discussing my problem and potential solutions.  On my way out from work my phone suddenly told me I had no service.  No matter how much I turned it off and back on again, I still didn't have service.  Ridiculous!  First the broken phone, and now that it was finally working temporarily I didn't have service!
     I went to the mall, called Jackson from a kiosk and asked if he would meet me there and we could just talk to Sprint and T-Mobile, figure out our options, and decide on what we were going to do.  I had reached my wits end with not having a phone (it was more than just a "need to be connected"  it was inconvenient and impractical not to have a way to call anyone, not to mention unsafe being this far along in my pregnancy with no way to call for help if I needed it).  However, Jackson was in the middle of something and didn't feel like coming over (2 miles away).  Besides, our house was a mess and he'd rather us just get everything in order at home and worry about phones tomorrow.  "You can survive one more day".  I protested and eventually settled on just talking to T-Mobile to find out my options and waiting to talk to Sprint until Jackson was with me.
     While talking to T-Mobile I'm informed my only option is to renew my contract and actually it showed that my line had been cancelled.  I told them that was impossible, I've had my line for 2 1/2 years.  The kiosk guy gave some line about "well, sometimes we have things wrong on our end".  At this point I'm thinking "You incompetent people!  My phone breaks and now you don't even show my line as active!"  I returned home frustrated and annoyed but humbly willing to wait one more day to sort it all out.
     I walked in the door, looked around, asked Jackson if he had vacuumed.  He said "I did lots of stuff, I put a bunch of papers for you to go through in that Target bag over there, can you go through it please?" I was slightly incredulous that the moment I walk in the door from a long day at work and a frustrating phone situation that he wanted me to immediately go through collected clutter he put in a bag for me.  But, it wasn't worth debating and I went over to the bag.  I opened it and instead of a stack of papers and mail, I found a box with a Sprint logo on it and a picture of a rather beautiful smart phone.  I looked at him completely confused and asked what it was.  I opened the box and sure enough inside was a fully charged and activated Nexus S phone, the first phone Google has ever made.
     My sneaky husband had spent significant time the day before and on Friday setting me up on his phone plan.  He'd even made up the story about Sprint saying he couldn't add a line.  And he was trying not to freak out when I was so insistent at the mall at talking to customer service people because I was about to ruin the surprise!  So, T-Mobile is not incompetent, my line had in fact been cancelled just an hour before I headed over to the mall.  Jackson had collaborated with my mom, cancelled my line, and switched my number over to Sprint.  What a great surprise!  And me being the emotional pregnant woman started crying because I was so relieved to have it all worked out and so grateful for his fantastic surprise.
     Here's my old phone (notice the white screen of death) next to my intensely upgraded new phone:

Jackson enjoyed showing me the ropes and teaching me all the cool tricks I can do.  I love my phone already!  Here we are together with our sweet phones, connected on our very own family plan: 

Moral of the story:  Jackson is a stud.  


  1. In my defense, Nexus S is not Google's first phone. It's the second generation. - You never buy the first generation... geez. And it's the best there is for the best there is.
