Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 7 of Overtime

      At one week overdue we spent the day swimming.  On Fort Sam.  Which meant swimming for free.  With 2 awesome water slides.  Jackson talked the lifeguard into letting me go down the slower of the two (which ended up still being pretty fast!) and I was like a giddy school girl.  I LOVE water slides and going down that slide at 41 weeks pregnant was the most fun I had had all Summer!

    After swimming we went home and got ready for a friend's wedding reception. My best friend, Rebecca, had returned from her mission the night before and I anxiously awaited her arrival to the reception.  It was a joyous reunion And Maria, Rebecca, and I enjoyed the time together.  We've been friends for over 10 years and I had no idea when we would all 3 be in the same place at the same time again until Maria's sister planned her wedding in San Antonio on the perfect weekend.  I had hoped they would get to meet my baby too but, I'll take what I can get.  

Baby bump picture!  I believe Maria was 13 weeks at this point and I was 41. 
What a great weekend filled with friends and family but still no baby!  We drove back to Austin and waited some more with no signs of labor.

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